Falstaff 93 Punkte: Mittleres Kirschrot, zarte Goldreflexe, zartes, anhaltendes Mousseux. Rauchig unterlegtes feines Kirschkonfit, dezente tabakige Nuancen, zart nach Blütenhonig, dezente kandierte Orangenzesten. Stoffig, saftig, roter Apfel, finessenreiche Struktur, Erdbeerkonfit im Abgang, zitronig unterlegter Nachhall, reife Orangen im Rückgeschmack, fruchtsüßer Nachhall, ein vielseitiger Speisenbegleiter.
James Suckling 92 Punkte: Strawberry and pomegranate-infused yeasty autolysis aromas with freshly baked pastry and fresh bready notes. The palate has ripe peach fruits, strawberries and some hints of pink grapefruit. Sweetness, richness and a lively acid kick. Berry pie finish. Drink now.
Wine Spectator 94 Punkte: This offers all the trim sleekness of a well-built racing sailboat, while the flavors unfurl on the palate like a full spinnaker sail. Macerated raspberry and poached apricot fruit is underscored by smoke and toast notes, and pleasing hints of crystallized honey, tangerine zest and dried thyme echo on the mouthwatering finish. Drink now through 2030. — AN
Anzahl Flaschen